In a previous post we proclaimed our Statement of Faith to Defined who we are. While true, our Statement of Faith is a statement of the Global United church of Christ. Additionally, Christ Congregational United Church of Christ have our own statement that help define who we are.
We are a church that listens, praises God, inspires, and serves others.
Christ congregational United Church of Christ is a community gathered for the worship and service of God, seeking to follow the way of Jesus in the world today under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are a diverse and growing community where every person is welcomed, accepted, and cherished. We endeavor to build a loving and caring community where children, youth and adults can grow in their faith and in their rapacity to follow Jesus. We resolve to share the love we have from God by giving of ourselves, our time, our energy and our financial resource toward caring for all of God's creation and building a more just and caring society.
At Christ Congregational Church we strive to love one another as God has loved us and welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us. Therefore, we are an Open and Affirming church, loving and welcoming all people in all of God's variety; including racial, ethnic, and economic diversity, gender diversity and expression, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities.
At our core, Christ Congregational Church is a progressive church within Protestant Christianity committed to sharing the love God gives each of us. We seek to love one another as Jesus loves us. We believe the search for God produces an authentic relationship with God, engendering love, strengthening faith, dissolving guilt, and giving life purpose and direction.
If you are reading this it may be because you identify with these statements and are directed to identify with a church that can help you put your beliefs in practice.If you desire a place, a church, that quietly enables you to live your faith, Christ Congregational Church may be a place you should visit.
Church services are held from 8:45 -- 9:25 in the outdoor chapel, our Church in the Garden, and from 10:30--11:30 in the Church Sanctuary.
Unfortunately,during the COVID-19, Corona Virus pandemic you can currently visit us only through our live streaming video church service. You can join us at 10:30 AM Sunday morning using the link: Video Service. Or you can click on this link and follow us on Facebook and get a notification link on your timeline.